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I am Chenfei Qu (曲 晨菲), a PhD candidate in Climate Change Economics at Tsinghua University’s Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy. Here is my CV. I am currently a short-term visiting researcher at the ZEW-Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research.
My research focuses on the critical issues in the designing of climate and environmental policies, covering areas such as carbon emissions trading, renewable energy, air pollution, and international trade.
I employ a combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulations using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models and Integrated Modeling Frameworks that link energy, economy, and environmental systems. I incorporate crucial real-world factors into these models, such as pre-existing taxes, pre-existing distortions, complex policy interactions, and impacts beyond the economic system, calibrated with empirical data. Additionally, I am also conducting ex-post evaluations of climate policies to assess their effectiveness and inform future policy-making.
Here is my google scholar page.
Feel free to reach out if you are interested in discussing research. Contact me at: qcf20@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn